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Our Story

I always wanted to help people. I believe altruism is an inherent part of human nature, and it is what fulfils us the most.


It takes a different form for everyone, but for me, and for my team - it is embodied in guiding people to healthy, beautiful skin. 


This is our story.

Skin Ritual began as a tiny idea in my head while I studied to become a skin therapist. Nothing more than a thought - maybe, one day, I'll have my own clinic. 


After graduating, I worked in several clinics in Auckland and was deeply disappointed by what I saw. Clinics that ran on sales targets, KPIs, and rebooking targets. Pressured, overworked, and under-educated skin therapists. And clinic owners who were so focused on the bottom line, that they had lost sight of why we do what we do. 


Frustrated, I decided to move to Canada and try my luck there. I was disillusioned, but I still held on to an idealistic version of what the skin care industry could (and should) be. Good thing I did, because it was there that I discovered it was very much possible for us to do better. 


Through a stroke of luck (or maybe it was just meant to be) - I ended up at a truly incredible clinic that aligned with my values, and taught me invaluable lessons on how to treat skin, and how to run a business the right way. 


I spent two years learning, up-skilling, growing professionally, and then - I decided it was time to come home. This time though, I had a plan - I wasn't returning to the soulless work environments I'd left behind. I was creating my own. 


In 2018, the hunt for premises began. When I walked into the dingy computer store on Short Street, I didn't imagine it would become the clinic it is today. We took a chance on a shoebox and it paid off: after 5 weeks of renovation, we had a beautiful space to work in. We opened our doors on November 15th 2018, and the journey began. 




It was a tough start, beginning from scratch - nobody knew who we were, and in the beginning, there were some pretty long and empty days at the clinic. But as time went on, we started to build a loyal client base - people were beginning to recognise our brand and knew us for being well-educated and providing a higher standard of care than the average skin clinic. 



Just as we began to gain some traction, Covid hit. Thus began two years of lockdowns and business interruptions. It was a difficult time to say the least, and we wouldn't be here today had it not been for our incredibly supportive and loyal clients who kept our small business alive. Whenever we could open - we were growing quickly. By this time Skin Ritual was more recognised and in between the lockdowns, we were busier than ever before. 



Finally, a full year of our doors being open again. 2022 was a big year for us - our team doubled in size, we fitted out a third treatment room, we began offering cosmetic injectables, and our small business continued to grow and evolve. 


Present Day  

As of today, Skin Ritual has earned a reputation for practicing with integrity, providing genuine and honest guidance, achieving impressive results for our clients, and placing a large focus on education - both for our clients, and our skin therapists. 


We offer gold standard treatments, and follow evidence-based practice, ensuring optimal efficacy and safety for our clients. We exist to help people to achieve their best skin ever, and it is an honour and privilege to be entrusted with our clients skin. 

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